Tag: books

Featured, News

Please Welcome Kurt Brecht (Dirty Rotten Press) to Blackhouse Limited.

Please welcome Kurt Brecht to Blackhouse Records Limited. Known to most as the lead vocalist and principal lyricist of Dirty Rotten Imbeciles (D.R.I.), he is known as the front man of one of the very first bands responsible for the crossover thrash genre.  Brecht saw a very busy schedule with the band in the late 80’s through the early 90’s. During very rare moments of downtime while on the road, Kurt transitioned his writings toContinue reading…

Featured, News

Blackhouse Ltd. on Getting It Out Podcast.

Ever wanted to hear the ramblings of a madman?  Ever wanted to know about all the cautionary tales of self-inflicted mistakes and fires set (and subsequently put out…hopefully) as a business navigates the swamp that we call the music “industry”?  Do you like hearing masochistic stories from someone who is a self-proclaimed “glutton for punishment?”  Well look no further!  Blackhouse Limited head-case/honcho Scott Rozell sat down with Dan at Getting It Out Podcast for theirContinue reading…

Featured, News

Cody Sucks.

Please welcome Cody Lee Hardin (@codysucks) to Blackhouse Ltd. Nashville.  A tourism magnet only a short four hours from where Elvis died on the toilet.  Beyond the music and food culture the city is known for, it bleeds out bedroom communities and dead-end industry, like all the major cities and nowheresville’s across the country.  Warped imagination, creation, and sheer genius are lurking among us.  Sometimes, we are lucky enough that they intersect and materialize.  WeContinue reading…

Featured, News

Encyclopaedia Supermundanae Second Edition Now Available.

Due to overwhelming response from fans, we have moved forward with a second edition numbered printing of “Encyclopaedia Supermundanae” by Chaz Bell (a.k.a. Slug Christ). ORDER HERE: BLACKHOUSEINC.STORENVY.COM This edition of this hardcover art book is limited to another individual set of 200 copies and comes with one of three new exclusive art prints. All copies will be hand numbered. To order and to see full details, go to the Blackhouse Webstore before they sellContinue reading…