Texas BH Family! Jordan Isaiah is making his way down to your massive state for a string of shows with the legendary YETI in July! Ticket info below. Presented by BYXBREEZY x Houstock Jordan Isaiah’s long awaited debut Blackhouse full length album is in the works and when it hits, it’s going to drop like an nuclear bomb, so keep your eyes peeled!
Tag: shows
FREE Cold Blooded “Throneburner” CD!
Spokaneites! The Darkest Hour is coming to Spokane, WA in December and our very own Cold Blooded will supporting the bill that night! Right now, if you contact the band directly through their Facebook page to buy a pre-sale ticket, you also will get a SIGNED copy of the Throneburner CD for FREE! Don’t miss out! Full details for the show here:facebook.com/events/1795616413800261
Gadgetor (Vocalist of The Drip) will debut live playing Seattle with Dance With The Dead and Gost on their upcoming US tour. GET IT!! Gadgetor full length on the way via BH! More details soon! https://soundcloud.com/gadgetor1989 www.blackhouserecordsinc.com
The Northwest Slug Christian Missionary Trip of 2017.
Yup! A surprise for the NW to kick off the Summer! SLUG CHRIST hits the road for his first ever string of Northwest shows with NOBODIES (FL), CRIMEWAVE (SEA) and VIRGINIA SLIM (SPO) for a run of NW shows. Keep an eye out for event pages. Presented by Divine Minds, Urban Grow Systems, Blackhouse records, and Awful Records. www.blackhouserecordsinc.com blackhouseinc.storenvy.com