over in Europe sat down with Blacktracks for a full interview about the new “Witches” video/single, mental health, supernatural forces, and more. Check out the exclusive and video here:…/ Witches is out now on all streaming platforms, worldwide.
Tag: coven
Blacktracks NW Tour Dates.
If you live anywhere in the Pacific Northwest, there is a very good chance that Blacktracks and Spooky will be playing a date in or around your town. Check out this extensive PNW run of tour dates and make some plans! Dates below. 4/14 – Pullman, WA @ Another round brewing 4/15 – Richland, WA @ Uptown Theater 4/16 – Bend, OR @ The Capitol 4/17 – Eugene, OR @ John Henrys w/ KNOLL *Continue reading…
Blacktracks “Casual Drugs” Music Video and Single Out Today!
Established in the Pacific Northwest, United States, Blacktracks members Jake Jerome and Anthony Perez have signaled a transcendent approach to “Spoken Word” music. Its stream of freeform lyricism owing a debt in style, perhaps, to literary forefathers, but remains original all its own. Intelligent, driven and offering a uniquely bleak insight into stressful living caused by both inside and outside forces of nature. Mirroring performance-poet mastery of cadence and timing, Blacktracks brings a storm ofContinue reading…