From the ashes of Cold Blooded comes Throneburner. A mutated reforming of sorts, the band has re-emerged with a new name, new shift in sound that dives into the black metal realm, and a new member to round off the identity change. Cold Blooded is dead. Long live Throneburner. Lots of happenings, including new music coming out very soon, along with a premiere being a part of that. Not only that, but if you live inContinue reading…
Tag: black metal
Blackhouse teams up with Southern Records Distribution.
We are excited to announce that Blackhouse has officially entered into a partnership with Southern Records Distribution for all European and Pacific Rim territories. Known for their flawless track record, integrity, and amazing team of staff and labels-alike under their wing, Southern has remained the driving independent music force abroad, and we are humbled and excited to be a part of their family of labels. Since its beginnings in 1987, as a physical music distributorContinue reading…
Blacktracks NW Tour Final!
The world of the strangely dark black metal-esque avant-garde is coming to the NW starting Thursday! Get in the know and make your way to the date near you to see something amazing.
Cold Blooded in Atom Smasher UK.
Shoutout Atom Smasher UK! Pre-Order Cold Blooded “Throneburner” LP/CD at BLACKHOUSEINC.STORENVY.COM or on digital format at