
Moral Crux Digital Re-Issues On Blackhouse.

In the wake of the demise of the legendary Lookout! Records back in the day, virtually tons of amazing catalog wound up lost in the shuffle.  Various releases have been surfacing slowly but surely from various labels around the world, however there are SO many classic and seminal records that have yet to see the light of day.  Today, Blackhouse Records is proud to be a part of this, bringing back another piece of thatContinue reading…


Scatterbox “Ritual” Release Date Announced.

Alright folks….after over a year and a half of us stalling all of you out…we here at Blackhouse are extremely proud to announce that the new Scatterbox record, “Ritual”, will be officially seeing a US and international release date of Tuesday, September 23rd, 2014 via CD and Digital from Blackhouse Records. Vinyl release date will be announced shortly. We are in the process of setting up a TON of stuff, including a release party, pre-orders, etc., andContinue reading…


Scatterbox is playing a one-off all ages house show in Cd’A.  First all ages show in their home town in a looooooong time.  New album still in limbo with finishing touches pending.  More to come.


Nightcap “S/T” hits digital in February.

The south side of Chicago is pretty rough, especially Blue Island.  It reeks of drunks, gun powder, crime, exhaust, and weed.  For the sake of not confusing the reader, Chicago pedigrees NIGHTCAP wouldn’t have it any other way.  When not making runs to Miskah’s Liquor Emporium and the infamous Harold’s Chicken Shack, these Blue Island locals are sawing through their set all over the Midwest, and writing/recording at what one would consider a prolific rate.Continue reading…


Scatterbox “Something’s Gotta Give” Single Out Now!

As we here in the Blackhouse camp wrap up the final touches on the new Scatterbox record, the promotional machine rolls on, offering the second single off the upcoming album.  First, it was the metal-tinged anger fest that was the newest music video “Fear, Profit, and Puppetry”, and now it is the other end of the spectrum with “Something’s Gotta Give”.  Slow, drone-toned, and dark, this is MUCH different than anything they have ever done.Continue reading…


Rest In Peace, Mike Vraney.

The world of music and film lost a true great today, and honestly, I can say that I am extremely grateful, humbled, and proud to call this man my friend.  Mike Vraney was a genuine, helpful, and supportive soul who believed in the true spirit of underground art, and wouldn’t have lived any other way. Vraney was the owner of the world-renowned exploitation/grindhouse film company, Something Weird Video, which is legendary in its own respect.Continue reading…